Features released in Version 1.24.2(29-Feb-2024)
Include Criteria on downloads

When images or PDF's are created, the search criteria used for the dashboard is now included.

For images, the criteria can be found at the bottom, and for PDF's, at the top under the title.

SPR - Show times with Dates

All SPR date columns on the grid now include the time as well.

SPR - List Sort Order

When using Drilling Year or Completion Year as a filter, you may have noticed that 2000 was at the top of the list and 2024 at the bottom.

These have now been reversed to bring them in line with the other reviews Year filters, displaying 2024 at the top of the list and 2000 at the bottom.

DPR - Additional Wells

When creating an Additional Well, the Spud Depth is not captured. Until now we have displayed N/A for Spud Depth on the Time Depth Data widget.

For those DPR Additional Wells with Time Depth Data, the depth value from the first TD Data row is now used as the Spud Depth.

Default sort order

For all reviews, the grid, by default, is now sorted first by Year Descending and then by the other sort fields:

  1. Year DESC
  2. Country ASC
  3. Group ASC
  4. Operator ASC
  5. Business Unit ASC
  6. Well Name ASC
Bug Fixes
  • Grid sorting (not dashboard) after viewing well info.
  • Map widget de-clustering on a SPR dashboard